Sunday, November 30, 2008


I finally moved into my house last weekend and besides the sewage pump leaking into the front yard, everything is just peachy! My family came over to visit and we all worked in our own way to help set up my house. I did a decent amount of landscaping before the snow hit so I'm pretty happy about that. My mom sewed me some curtains. It took her so long and she worked so hard on them I really appreciate that. My dad helped out all around and made sure we were all adequately fed. And my sister she did just about as much manual labor as I did!

I got AT&T U-Verse phone, cable, and internet the Thursday before thanksgiving and it was down almost every day for almost every reason apparently. They say 3300 feet from the hub is right at the threshold for the service. So I hope it will stay up this time! I need to remember to call them and get refunded for the time my service was down. There's no sense in paying for service which I didn't have.

I hung out with K most of the week so that was a lot of fun. We celebrated Thanksgiving with both families. All the food was delicious. I made sure to eat a big piece of all 3 desserts. There was chocolate cheese cake, pumpkin banana torte, and pecan pie. All made with tested recipies. So I loved all three! I ate way too much the last 4 days or so, but oh man was it great spending so much time with family. I really am thankful for all I have.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

house update!

Well I can finally say that my house is close to being ready to live in! K and I have been starting to unpack things and clean up a bit. So hopefully by thanksgiving the house will be fully occupiable! But that's not the big update. After much fighting, I finally have a front porch being put up. It's not much, but it definitely helps the front curb appeal. Now It looks like a country farm house or cottage or something :) I think that's pretty marketable in such a scenic area, well I'd hope! The picture does not show the end product of the porch. The end product will have siding, and shingles of course! And the columns will be white aluminum.

Monday, November 10, 2008

To My Buddy

To my buddy,

You are the most wonderful girlfriend a guy could ever ask for. Every day I am happier to be with you, or so it feels. You do so many things that make me happy and I can't even begin to list them all. But these two little heart shaped cakes that you made just for me really show just how much you think about me and how you try to make me happy in every aspect of my life. You do little things like this without even thinking twice or with the slightest ulterior motive. You do it because you love me. Well I love you too.

This is probably about the sappiest thing I've ever wrote. But really I just have to say something. You make me so happy; all of the time. I can't wait for all the other happy moments in our lives together, or maybe I can because I couldn't be any happier than I am today.