Sunday, December 27, 2009

a few things

  1. I had an awesome Christmas. I got a new camera/laptop backpack that's friggin huge and has a ton of compartments and configurable storage. So it's pretty much perfect. I also got a 42" reflector kit with a stand. It works great especially since I still only have one off camera flash. I also got some cologne from K. So I'm sure I'll be smelling much better in the near future. My sister gave me some awesome gift cards and I now have 2 new sets of work out pants! Oh yeah, I had a lot of fun with my family and took plenty of time to contemplate the meaning of Christmas. Between playing with my new camera stuff ;)
  2. I think I broke my truck. So when I am stupid and I forget not to use the parking brake when it's below freezing. My rear passenger wheel gets stuck. There are 2 ways to fix this. Well 3, but the third is boring. 1, you can stick the sucker in 4WD Low and gun it and hope you knock the wheel loose. And 2, you can bang at the drum brake with a hammer. I opted for # 1 today because, well I forgot about #2. And around my parent's house, they don't use salt so the roads really stay pretty slippery. So I drove about a block with 3 wheels spinning until my truck just decides not to move anymore. At that point I have my sister get out and she tells me that my front wheels were not spinning either. OOOPS. Guess I broke 4WD. So I call the tow company, they bang on my drum and get the wheel loose. I hobble it back to my parent's garage to let it thaw (option 3) My car made a nice squeeking noise the whole way, which was super fun. After the thawing, I drove it around and the 4WD seemed to be behaving again, but I'm still suspicious. So I'm taking it in before making the long drive home to make sure I won't die when my wheels fall off 100 miles out. So I'm stranded! yippie!
  3. I can't wait any longer to get the gosh darn Camaro. If I had a fancy dancy new car. I wouldn't have these old car problems. I'd also be so much cooler. As we all know, a car is an extension of one's ego, and often is used to compensate for something. And for me it's to compensate for driving around in a gold compact pickup truck for 10 years! I want a car that I'm gonna love until I have kids. It may be my only chance and I don't want to miss out on this one. I want my gosh darn Camaro! When my truck broke, I got all excited and I prepped myself to overextend my credit prematurely so I could leave Iowa in at least a 2LT/RS Camaro! But just my luck, the dumb truck still drives!
(P.S. I'm actually grateful that my truck still runs. It's been pretty much reliable exept for the occasional brake freeze. So I'd like to keep it even after getting the Camaro. We'll see if the money tree lands on my roof anytime soon and I actually get promoted at work... here's to hoping!!!)