Friday, January 7, 2011

I am so happy

I just realized.

Last night I was watching "Into the Wild" and at the end of the movie, the spoiled rich kid (how I envisioned his reasoning for running away) actually had something smart to say. "Happiness is only real if it is shared" At that moment I realized that even though you can be happy alone, it can be increased exponentially if you are sharing those memories with people you love. I looked at K and I just melted. Life is better when it is shared and I am so happy to share it with K!

This weekend we painted the kitchen. Normally that'd be a daunting task, but K and I really looked forward to it. Working together to improve our living environment even if time consuming and repetitive made us both happy. I can't imagine ever really enjoying painting a whole room by myself. That's just a small and probably bad example, but I hope it demonstrates my point.

It's the people in your life that make it worth living, and everybody should take time to reflect upon and be thankful for the memories and the time they have to spend with others that they love. Nobody is here forever.