Sunday, June 3, 2012

growing up

It's sort of funny. When I was in grade-school I thought I'd be grown up once I graduated at the ripe old age of 18. I distinctly remember having a conversation outside with another kid that had my same name. I said something to the effect of, it'll be so cool to be a grown up when I turn 18 in X years. Then the other kid responded with something like "that'll be in 2001" and I said it probably didn't matter much then anyway because the world will be ending in the year 2000. Oh the stupid stuff kids say. We were so wrong on both counts!

Anyway, after graduating high school. I thought I'd be all grown up once I graduated college and got my first full-time job. Well I think I was wrong about that too. Sure I had a full-time job, but I was still such a kid at heart. I wanted to go party and clubbing, the world was all about me and what I could get for myself to make me happy. I ate whatever whenever. I still couldn't get a date. And I still had so much time on my hands that I still keept up to date with the latest music and had all the coolest electronic gadgets! I certainly felt grown up!

But now, I am coming to a major realization. You really don't stop growing up. My dad used to always say that his great grandfather used to tell him. I never stop learning. Well I guess that's kind of what growing up is, learning and growing. My life has changed so much in the past few years. I've certainly learned a whole lot, but not in the form of academics. I've learned a lot about life. And now that I've really had a good long time to think about it. I've learned to agree with what my dad said. I will never stop learning. I will never stop growing up. Sometimes it makes me sad to think that I couldn't pass as a college student anymore. But then I realize that I am just in another new and wonderful learning phase in my life. The newlywed phase.

It's really a great time in life. We are both learning not to be so self-centered and we are developing lots of new hobbies like smoking meat and sewing. Skills that most of us definitely would attribute to our parents. We're growing up into roles that would lead us to be parents one day. It's crazy to think that one day I just stopped wanting to go clubbing and drinking, and I started lusting over a nice chunk of smoked meat. Well, it wasn't really a one day thing, but it really is amazing that as you grow, you change so much. It's exciting to see myself, my friends, and family growing. I realize that learning and growing really is one of the key components to the human condition. It's beautiful.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Grilling (Smoking)

I am new to the smoking world, but my dad has been using the same offset smoker for a good 15+ years with some amazing results over the years. I used to own a vertical water smoker. But because I got the cheapest model, it didn't have a sealed underside and the draft caused me to use up a lot of coal and have undesirable results!

So I finally bit the bullet and bought a Char-Griller Smokin Pro 1224 offset smoker. And even though it's cheap compared to the professional grade smokers, I am pretty sure I can mod it to get some great results. I have already done the standard chimney extension and dual grill-level thermometer additions. I also sealed the chimney and connection between the side fire box and main box to keep the heat in longer.

I would still like to seal up the doors a little better as a lot of smoke comes out through them as well, but I think that's pretty doable. I heard I just need to spray on some cooking spray on one surface and make a bead of silicone around the complete perimeter to seal up the doors.

I also sanded off the paint on the side firebox and replaced it with 1200 degree paint since the original factory paint started bubbling off the first time I used it!

Below is a picture of the basket I just made w/o any welding. I used old toilet bolts and washers to rest the basket on the Grill brackets. That way I can pull out the ashes without disturbing the coals. After a 5 hour burn There was still airflow under the basket and I didn't even have to clean out the ashes. So that's pretty impressive. I had to clean out the ashes 3 to 4 times per smoking session with my old smoker!

This weekend I had the opportunity to smoke my first ever brisket. And I have to say the results were nothing short of spectacular! I followed Jeff's method from his 5/3/2012 newsletter except I let my brisket cook on the grate until it hit 175 and then I finished it in a pan with broth. I was very careful to watch my temps because I had eaten many dry briskets in my day and was never really a fan. Until I saw this:

I had wanted to make the brisket solely for the burnt ends, but since my wife likes the flat, I bought the whole packer cut. When I cut it open to separate the point from the flat, it practically gushed juice. I couldn't resist; I immediately cut myself a piece and was in heaven. I never knew brisket could be so juicy! I had let it rest for about 2 hours in a cooler covered in towels because it finished earlier than expected due to high (275) grill temps. But I may just let all my meats rest this long!

I then proceeded to cut up the point to make the burnt ends. I had been waiting a couple years to make these. So my expectations were high! In the end I was not let down. For those that have never tried burnt ends, you all are missing out! The combination of the caramelized bbq sauce and rendered fat really does make these like "man candy"

I also cooked up some ribs, but also due to the aforementioned high grill temps, I over cooked them! but they were still very good. I should've just called them pulled pork once I cut them up! I'm still getting used to my new smoker. I modded it before actually using it and I found out that lowering the chimney to grate level combined with 80+ degree temps outside makes it hard for you to keep your grill at 225 with a full basket of coals! I ended up cracking open the main chamber a few inches to keep the temps under 240 until the coals burned down a little!

All in all, the results for the brisket and burnt ends were exceptional. The ribs were still delicious. And I ended up very full! I probably ate about a pound and a half of meat!

Life so far

Well you know, when I was in college I used to delude myself that people wanted to hear what I wanted to say. But now as I have grown some. I realize, I just need to say something somewhere sometimes. I used to blog almost daily. Then as I got busy it started to be a weekly thing, then a monthly thing. Now it appears to be becoming an annual thing. It's kind of funny. I suppose I started thinking that people didn't want to hear what I wanted to say. Or maybe it's that now that I'm married I just tell everything to my wife and she agrees with me all the time. So I don't have to tell anybody else right? Well that's life I suppose. Things change. I welcome the changes.