I wanted to make a bundt cake. So I drove to Dominick's and bought some sour cream, 7-up, muffin liners, 2 boxes of muffin mix and a box of yellow cake mix.... all of which were on sale.... I was estatic that I found a brand of everything I needed that was on sale.
I go to the check out aisle and give the lady my phone # cause my card is all worn off because they don't laminate them like Jewel does.
and she says "the number doesn't work"
and I say "you can try my card, but as you can see, it's worn off."
So she tries about 10 times... like that'll make the bar code reappear
and then I say, "can you just use the register copy of the card..."

So I tell her the dominicks in schaumburg has register copies. And I ended up just leaving the food there because my total came up to $15, which was about 2x as much as I was supposed to pay because almost everything I was buying was half off or more :(
Dominicks sucks
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