Monday, November 19, 2007


When you go to Germany, you have to eat a German sausage or (wurst). Today I went to the store and bought a traditional southern Germany Weisswurst. I had it with lots of Sauerkraut and a sweet brown mustard. It was very good and mild with a rather smooth texture. Translated it is "white sausage." I feel like I have lived now because I have now eaten a sausage.

I also bought a ton of German chocolate at the store today. And to tell the truth, our whole family filled a large duffle bag with chocolate and other stuff to bring home. it was great.


Anonymous said...

If you care for me at all, please don't feed me any of the chocolate you bring back. :P -Kristin

lucidflux said...

it's for Dino, don't get all upset :P