Wednesday, March 12, 2008


No wonder the banking industry is in the mess it is. I've been trying to get a mortgage set up with one bank, which I was told is "very good" and I swear the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing there. I was assured several times that my loan would be approved by close of business on Friday, but when I called on Friday I was told that for some unknown reason the "underwriting department" hadn't finished their credit approval. They have had my paperwork for several weeks. Earlier that week I had sent them an official bank statement instead of printouts from the web, like that mattered. But even with my t's crossed and my i's dotted, they still are functioning with half a brain.

On Monday I called and was told that the approval still hadn't went through, but I should still be able to close on Thurs with the documentation I had already provided. I call on Tuesday and provide every single document humanly possible to the bank for the construction side of things (the official contract, and proof of payments already made to the builder). And somehow as of now, they still don't have the loan approved. So wait, I already provided you with all my bank statements, home cost spreadsheets, and the appraisal has been done already.... soooo, what is the hold up. The bank's response now. The "construction loan dept" wouldn't look at my paperwork at all until they received a signed contract from the builder... Wait, why didn't you tell me this before??? So anyway, they had all my other paperwork in one form or another for weeks, but somehow they still can't turn this around in 48 hours? banks....

Update: I just received a call from the appraiser, who was apparently just contacted for the first time today to do the appraisal! wow, just wow. hi left hand, how are you? I'm right hand.

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