Sunday, September 21, 2008

things go bad and then get better

On Tuesday evening I come home from work to find my motorcycle tipped over and leaking antifreeze. So I called my insurance and the police to make a claim. When the police officer begins to leave the parking lot I look over at the driver's side fender of my truck and notice that there is some pretty major damage there. And at that time I remember how my truck was "squeeking" when I turned a low speeds. So I filed a second police report for a hit and run on my truck the night before. I couldn't believe that I had two insurance deductibles to pay all at once now!

The week went on and I found out that the hit and run caused over $3000 in damage with over $1200 damage to my suspension alone. The guy really must've wacked my truck hard. I also get a call stating that my motorcycle will be filed as a total loss since its value is less than the cost of repairs. Now this may sound bad, but think about it. This means the insurance will give me money for the value of my bike minus my deductible! My deductible for my truck is paid for!!!! I will miss having a bike, but really I need the cash more and I wanted to get a new bike next year anyway. If I have the cash, I will do that.

Then on Friday I worked until midnight. The whole day I was disturbed by my boss repeatedly for status updates. I work faster than 9/10 of my co-workers on SW builds and I really didn't appreciate the constant pestering. I understand he was only bugging me because his manager was bugging him for updates constantly. That still didn't stop me from getting annoyed and giving him overly verbose updates just so he'd get off my back :P Anyway I told him that I was going to dinner and if he needed the build finished when I was away that he could have somebody else start where I left off. And I think by this time he had noticed that I was giving him such up-to-the minute updates because I was frustrated because he replied saying that my work was really appreciated and that I could hand over the build if I wanted to. But that wasn't the part worth writing home about. He told me that because of my hard work, he had given me a BRAVO award and bonus. This award is given to people who go above and beyond their job description and I don't think that many people are getting this award in such a tough time for the company. So this really made my day. The award gets put in my permanent file as well so this will help me career-wise when I am looking for a promotion or to negotiate a raise. This is really the best thing to happen to me at work. So things did get better, all around.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm not even excited anymore

In a perfect time to be blogging my rants about building a new home and all the headaches that I never thought would come with it. I have written nothing. It's been a surprisingly scary last month. So many things that I couldn't have imagined would happen went wrong. But it looks like I'll still get a house and things are mostly smoothed over for the time being. But all I can say is, when times get rough, your builder can be a complete ass, and the bank, well they can make your life a living hell. But oh well, you live and you learn. I have had a major life lesson this month. You never ever trust anybody you are paying. They're only being nice to you because you are paying them. And if you run into a problem, the bank certainly doesn't have your back.

I'm not excited about his house anymore and I just want it to be done with. But unfortunately, I can't even set any deadlines when it will be done anymore because my builder keeps completing work so slowly. You'd think he'd want to get done and get the rest of his money and be out of my life, but somehow I think it brings them pleasure to string me along. I don't know why. It doesn't make any sense.