Monday, September 3, 2007

das Wochenende

On Friday Kristin and I made bratwurst and vegetables at her house. She got tired and fell asleep watching TV, I fell asleep too and then woke up and realized I fell asleep. Then I drove home super sleepy! Don't worry, I'm still alive!

Saturday was Kristin and my interview for the youth group at the local church. It was a lot more laid back than I thought it would be. The guy asked me more about my job than anything else! It was pretty funny. Guys love their technology! Immediately after our interviews we were told to go teach the kids. It was super chaotic that first time because they normally send out the lesson plans in advance, but since we just met everybody, we saw the plan for the first time, 5 minutes after starting the small groups! Kristin's sister is one of the main leaders for the ministry so at least we had a little tutoring. I rode my bike to and from Schaumburg so that was pretty fun!

Stone Manor at Lake Geneva, WI
Like I said earlier, Kristin rode my bike on Sunday and she did really well! I also worked out an extra day for the first time I can remember since starting working out. I've taken so many days off, it's about time! After that I went to Lake Geneva and hung out with my friend from college and some other friends along with his family at their party. They had grilled pork tenderloin and turkey along with an assortment of sides including some great varieties of potatoes, stuffing, croissants, fruit salad, and other fun stuff. It was great! They put out the desserts later and it was all so tasty. I had some wonderful strawberry cheesecake with strawberries mixed inside! I met James' girlfriend too, so that was neat. Kristin didn't come along, and everybody asked where she was! It is so beautiful in Lake Geneva, I can't wait until I am rich and can afford a weekend home!

On Labor Day I went over to Kristin's to make breakfast. I brought croissants and we made spinach, feta, tomato and onion omelets. Kristin made them American style. I made a French omelet. Don't tell GWB, I'll prolly get put on the no-fly list for that! We then went to a local parade and got lots of free candy and cheered on her dad's float. We walked around the local carnival too and we had a great time. After that we had a lot of random shopping fun. And I went home and did laundry, and so went my weekend

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