Sunday, June 1, 2008

All I did all day

Was clean!

Well thats a slight lie. I did cut my hair and go to the grocery store.

After cutting my hair I did the normal clean up the bathroom routine, but surprisingly after all that hard work scrubbing my tub, I felt like cleaning the rest of my apartment. So away I went. I vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, did my dishes, swept the floors, folded laundry, and I even cleaned my welcome mat with some Resolve carpet cleaner. How exciting it was to clean the whole apartment like that. I don't think I clean that often, but it really does feel good when you see results.

Now I am outside listing to my "stompy" upstairs neighbor grillng his meal. It smells like hamburgers, or if it's anything else it has absolutely no flavor! He's cooking with a gas grill, so it'll taste just like he pan cooked it. You gotta use charcoal man! And wood chips!

For dinner I plan on making a marinated beef tri tip roast in the oven. I got it from Trader Joe's last week. So it's high time that I cook it! I really do enjoy cooking, and eating!

Speaking of eating, yesterday, I went to a local restaurant called Hackney's that was featured on the Food Network show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. I was super excited to try their onion ring loaf and famous Hackney burger. The environment was nice and the service wasn't overly slow either, but the food left something to be desired. The onion ring loaf was fried to perfection and there was not a bit of batter that was left uncooked, but the flavor just wasn't there. It really needed a little more salt and a couple spices would've been nice. The onions were very sweet so all was not lost, they tasted fine by themselves without any breading. The Hackney burger must've become famous because it comes on dark rye bread, because it was also a very lackluster burger with little flavor. Why can't people use spices? I'm not talking hot sauce, or a bunch of pepper, I just want to taste something other than pure beef when I'm eating a hamburger. The rye also was indistinguishable when eating the burger, but that's ok! I still had a great time eating with Kristin's family!

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