Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today was already too good not to write about

I woke up at 7:00 and had myself a bowl of Safeway blueberry cereal. Lucky for me I already had my morning planned. I brushed my teeth and headed outside for my nice cool morning bike ride. So I rode my bike for an hour. I got back home and changed clothes to go on the elliptical because I slacked off and didn't exercise on Friday. [flexes muscles] Now I'm all stronger! Then I hopped in the shower and de-stinkified myself. I called Tony and asked if he wanted to go to this Freecycle free for all event where you can find a lot of used stuff for free, no catch. Tony was busy, so then I started to rethink my plan on going today. I thought, well I was going to go by myself before deciding to go with Tony, but I think Kristin would really enjoy going. So I decided to put off going to the free for all until Sunday when I can go with her. But then my morning had a gap! What ever was I going to do?

Eventually I decided to watch a movie and then eat lunch, which consisted of the last bits of pizza rolls, buffalo chicken bites, and an Italian sausage. Well, I had successfully gotten through another 3 hours. What can I do now? I thought. I felt the sudden urge to be creative and take pictures with my film camera in black and white. Unfortunately, I didn't have any film. So on the way to the camera store, I decided that I wanted to take some pictures of my truck. So I also took my truck to the car wash. $10 well spent... My tires were dirty!

I get home all excited about all the pictures I was going to take. And on the way out of the car I hear the "ding ding ding" and I see that my lights are on so I turn them off. Then I shut the door still hearing the "ding ding" without paying attention and then I reach for my keys.... and BAM it hits me.... The car was still dinging. I had no keys! So I was thinking about how Kristin warned me that I should have a spare. And how now I had just put my foot in my mouth. To make the story even funnier. my apartment keys are attached to my car keys, so I couldn't get into my apartment. I reached for my cell phone, but I had left it on the charger! Thank goodness I live in an apartment because otherwise I'd be locked out for good! I went to the office and they gave me a spare key to get into the apartment and grab my cell phone. I call my dad and ask if he can mail my keys for Sunday delivery because FedEx used to do that. But they don't anymore I found out. So then I get the bright idea of calling the Mazda dealer instead of paying $60 for a locksmith. Luckily, they could make a key by just using the VIN! PHEW. So I got a ride to the dealer and so ended my crazy ordeal!

After that I had a bunch of fun taking pictures. I only took 12 shots so a special somebody had better be ready to be photographed in artistic black and white on Sunday ;)

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