Thursday, August 9, 2007

When giving blood

Do not give them your real phone number. I've received 2 phone calls in the past 3 or so days from them asking for me to donate again. Yes, donating blood saves lives, but I really dislike telemarketers! I didn't get sick the last time I donated blood. So I am happy about that, but I like my blood and I wish there was a way for them to take the blood w/o digging in my vein for 3 minutes trying to get blood out. I have narrow veins gosh darn it, you digging in that needle hurts! Oh well, I'll still go again though because it's the right thing to do, but no more telemarketing!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

If you don't give them your real phone number then they have no way to contact you to tell you that your blood tested positive for a rare disease. I recently met someone who's Dad found out he had the West Nile virus by the blood bank calling him and informing him after he donated. BUt I def. agree that they call OFTEN