Monday, June 11, 2007


I really don't think I like Myspace. I held out subscribing to it for the longest time, but since one of my ex-roommates had great success picking up high school girls with it, I figured I'd give it a try. I mean, who doesn't want high school girl friends with all their high pitched screaming and blabbing on about how billy in class looked at them and they think he is so dreamy and how they wish billy would just dump his 2 timing girlfriend who is complete trash and has a skin rash problem and steals from the church offering and hates puppies?????

No but seriously, my friend did end up meeting a few high school girls, but I figured I'd give it a try just to meet normal people in the area, maybe with similar interests. Well I gave it a few months and to my dismay, nobody wanted to be my friend. (Well I didn't make any friend requests) The world is a tough place. I kept considering deleting it, but then my best friend Brian jumped on the bandwagon and I decided to keep it for now, but still not encourage anybody to use it. Then a couple more people started flowing in, my sister found me, even though I told her to stay away from evil Myspace. Then a couple other people. And now I just can't get rid of it, because some people like Kristin have private profiles, so I can't see them if they're not my friend :( (Mine's private too, I don't want anybody to find me) I still don't like Myspace, but I'm stuck now. How can I e-stalk my closest friends without it?

But yesterday I had the biggest dilemma yet. One of the high school aged girls from my parent's church back home made a friend request. And I don't even remember her name. Did I ever even talk to her? You see, my dilemma was, I made a pact with myself never to add anybody that I didn't talk to in real life at some point. But then again, I recognized this person, and the good Christian in me says to accept people into the fold and not to shun people off. But I don't want to have other people from my parent's church find my profile, and to be honest, I'm not too fond with some of the people my age that are left there. This will probably open a door that I wanted closed, but I still accepted the friend request, just to be nice. Being nice is so overrated.

I don't know why, but I just get this weird feeling about Myspace every time I use it. I really dislike it, but I want to use it minimally at the same time. I used to love Facebook because it was clean (Nobody was allowed to put those ugly backgrounds and animated flashy stuff on their profiles. My eyes were saved!) and only college students could join. But now they've opened the doors to everybody and I've already started getting weird friend requests. Thankfully, you still can't mess up the clean look of Facebook. Maybe I should just close my Myspace down. I mean Facebook is now open to everybody. It would sure make me feel a lot better, and then it'd be harder for people to find me once again.... Nah, I'm too lazy to do that.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I agree MySpace is a little trashy. Originally I got Myspace to communicate w/ friends not in college but now that facebook has expanded their services to those not in college, why bother w/ myspace? I say down w/ MySpace!